Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Today I beat my personal Hula Hoop goal on Wii Fit. I Hulaed over 1000 times! that was on one side. i just barely failed going the other way. so my end score was 1990-something.

My next goal is to score 2000 Hulas or more!

This is a feel good moment, also because I've been a huge couch potato this week. I caught a cold, and have been feeling poopy. I tend to hibernate in hopes of getting over my cold faster.That is my justification for being lazy this week.

And the best part is; I was craving cake, so Dave bought me one from sobeys! haha, there goes all my hard work. Back to couch potatoness!

1 comment:

  1. wii hula hoop is like a competition between boyfriend and i.
    he'll be on the base at the gym all morning and when he gets home, i scoff at his tread mill talk and tell him how many spins i got, or how many people i hit with snowballs, then he'll make me give up my wii fit for the afternoon to try and beat me.
