Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Carpenter: Cut Off

I cut this guy off too.
Let's call January 2012 the month of Cleaning out my Closet. I'm dusting off the broken hearts and piecing them back together. Throwing out the ones that have no value or place in my life.

After realizing I was over the dating scene, I let The Carpenter know that I could not see him sexually anymore. I told him I wanted more from a relationship, or nothing at all from him. I'd grown attached and this was not in the plans he spoke of when telling me about his life goals.

He wants to focus on work and maybe settle down in 2 years, but made it very clear he was not looking for any type of commitment. or at least not from me.

We hadn't spoken for a few days after I cut him off.
but like any typical sex deprived male, he came crawling back with the plea-txt late one night as to "just cuddle for a while"

and I wanted to give in. so badly. I dont know why, but this guy has found a soft spot in me that just turns to mush when he talks to me. But I didnt give in. I asked if we could rain check, and maybe go for a walk or something non-sexual instead sometime. He never replied.

I'm putting my foot down. I'm not going crazy and dating too many randoms anymore. I either want to be happy and loved truly by another person the right way or be happy and alone.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! So happy for you, I would have had such a hard time saying no.
