his idea of the perfect man date consisted of moving the two big screen T.Vs we own into the same room beside each other, so he and his man friend could play Mag, and other such killing games, together. Trying to be a supportive wife-to-be, I let him do this...
So they sat there, with the couch pulled up in front of the T.Vs and each with his own ear-talky piece, they played online games and talked to each other through talky pieces. wow...
I had no TV at this point of course. so I went into the back room corner, formally known as the "Dave Cave", and worked on my wedding website, browsed the new Sears catalogue, made some 'home creations', drank a glass of wine, and now I am blogging. It blows my mind how they can sit there for hours.... just shooting each other... and talking through each other rather than to each other... it blows my mind...
it's definitely a boy thing